ź ¼º ÆÄ ÀÌ ·Ð (Elastic Wave Theory)


 ±³ Àç : J. D. Achenbach, Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids, Norh-Holland, 1975.


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 09¿ù 06ÀÏ : 0. Introduction 

                     0.1 concepts

                     0.2 applications

                     0.3 elasticity


 09¿ù 13ÀÏ :  1. One-Dimensional Motion of an Elastic Continuum 

                     1.2.8 waves in one-dimensional longitudinal strain

                     1.2.7 solution of the wave equation

                     1.5    waves in one-dimensional longitudinal stress


 09¿ù 20ÀÏ :    1.A  transverse waves in an infinite space

                     1.3  half-space subjected to uniform surface tractions

                     1.4a reflection


 09¿ù 27ÀÏ :    1.4b reflection and transmission

                     1.6  harmonic waves

                     1.B  longitudinal wave in a bar with a sudden change of the cross-sectional area


 10¿ù 04ÀÏ :  2. Linearized Theory of Elasticity

                     2.2-3 notation and mathematical preliminaries, kinematics and dynamics

                     2.4  homogeneous, isotropic, linearly elastic solid

                     2.5  problem statement in dynamic elasticity

                     2.6  one-dimensional problem


 10¿ù 11ÀÏ :   2.7  two-dimensional problem 

                    2.10  displacement potentials

                    2.11  summary of equations in rectangular coordinates

                    2.13  summary of equations in cylindrical coordinates

                    2.14  summary of equations in spherical coordinates


 10¿ù 18ÀÏ :   2.15  the ideal fluid                                     

                 3. Elastodynamic Theory

                 4. Elastic Waves in an Unbounded Medium 

                    4.1  plane waves


 10¿ù 25ÀÏ :  Midterm Exam (~ Ch. 2)


 10¿ù 25ÀÏ :   4.2  time-harmonic plane waves            

                    4.3  wave motions with polar symmetry

                    4.4  two-dimensional wave motion with axial symmetry

                    4.5  propagation of wavefronts


 11¿ù 01ÀÏ : 5. Plane Harmonic Waves in Elastic Half-Spaces

                    5.1-2  reflection and refraction at a plane interface, plane harmonic waves

                    5.4  joined half-spaces

                    5.5  reflection of SH-waves


 11¿ù 13ÀÏ :    5.9  reflection and refraction of SH-waves

                     5.6  reflection of P-waves


 11¿ù 15ÀÏ :    5.10 reflection and refraction of P-waves

                     5.7  reflection of SV-waves


 11¿ù 22ÀÏ :    5.A  reflection and refraction of SV-waves    

                     5.11 Rayleigh surface waves

                     5.12 Stoneley waves

                     5.B Scholte waves and leaky Rayleigh waves


 11¿ù 29ÀÏ : 6. Harmonic Waves in Waveguides    

                     6.1-5  introduction, group velocity 

                     6.6  Love waves

                     6.7  Lamb waves

                     6.8 Rayleigh-Lamb frequency spectrum


 12¿ù 06ÀÏ :    6.9    waves in a rod of circular cross-section               [°­ÀdzëÆ®]

                     6.10  waves in a circular rod of solid cross-section

                     6.11  approximate theories for rods


 12¿ù 20ÀÏ : Final Exam (Ch. 4, 5, 6)